Doctor-owned hospitals

In writing about the ACA and our health-care problems, I started to think more and more about supply restrictions. In every other industry, costs come down when new suppliers come in and compete. Yet our health-care system is full of restrictions and protections to keep new suppliers out, and competition down. Then we wonder why hospitals won’t tell you how much care will cost, and send you bills with $100 band aids on them.

In that context, I was interested to learn this week about the ACA’s limits on expansion of doctor-owned hospitals. The Wall Street Journal article is here, and I found interesting coverage in American Medical News. The text and analysis of the amazing section 6001 of the ACA is here

In astouding (to me) news, the ACA prohibits doctor-owned hospitals from expanding, and prevents new doctor-owned hospitals at all, if they are going to serve Medicare or Medicaid patients. From WSJ

The Affordable Care Act aimed to end a boom in doctor-owned hospitals, a highly profitable niche known for its luxury facilities. Instead, many of the hospitals are wiggling around the federal health-care law’s growth caps and even thriving. 
Only in medicine is “highly profitable niche known for its luxury facilities” a bad thing. Didn’t the left like employee-owned companies, worker cooperatives and all that? And when is getting around silly restrictions “wiggling?” Et tu, WSJ?
The law,  passed in 2010, blocked building any new physician-owned hospitals and prevented existing ones from adding beds or operating rooms in order to qualify for Medicare payments
Now, let’s see if it takes you more than 10 seconds to figure out the unintended consequences of this brilliant idea. Don’t peek…
…to grow without running afoul of the rules, some of the country’s roughly 275 doctor-owned hospitals are expanding their operating hours, increasing procedures in ways not restricted by the law and rejecting patients on Medicare…

“they are scheduling operations later and on weekends, instead of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.” North Cypress Medical Center outside Houston is building up practice areas, such as same-day surgeries, that don’t require admitting patients overnight…  Forest Park Medical Center in Dallas has stopped accepting Medicare patients, allowing it to escape the law’s restrictions entirely.
Then, some try to give up and do what the government wants….
The Surgical Institute of Reading in Pennsylvania tried to sell itself to a local community hospital. “We couldn’t expand, but we thought a partnership would allow us to continue our practice,” said its board chairman, Charles Lutz.

But the Federal Trade Commission blocked the merger, saying the sale would decrease competition and could lead to higher costs for patients and the government.
Let’s see, reorganizing so you are allowed to expand decreases competition? You just can’t make this stuff up.

As a reader of this blog might expect, for-profit institutions, run by crucial employees, are run efficiently, make money and serve their customers
…many physician-owned hospitals have enjoyed 20% to 35% profit margins in recent years. U.S. community hospitals’ profits hovered around 7% in 2010… new Medicare measurements showing that doctor-owned hospitals represent about half of the top 100 facilities whose performance will merit bonus Medicare reimbursements because of their cost efficiency and patient satisfaction.
They even provide a
“5-star atmosphere” and a gourmet restaurant with a wine list and cigars
From American Medical news,
When the federal government sorted through the first round of clinical information it was using to reward hospitals for providing higher-quality care in December 2012, the No. 1 hospital on the list was physician-owned Treasure Valley Hospital in Boise, Idaho. Nine of the top 10 performing hospitals were physician-owned, as were 48 of the top 100.
So why in the world does the government want to restrict them? WSJ:
But any effort to undo the expansion limits faces an uphill battle with Democrats, because the restrictions were a deal-breaker for hospitals when the White House sought their support for the law in 2009, industry lobbyists say.
and AMN:
The American Hospital Assn. and the Federation of American Hospitals continue to back that section of the ACA. Several key lawmakers, including Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus (D, Mont.) and panel member Chuck Grassley (R, Iowa), are in strong support of community hospitals in the debate.
Aha. In return for political support for the ACA the major hospitals put in this blatant supply restriction against efficient competitors. And we wonder why health care is so expensive.

In related news, what’s with the crazy hospital bills which nobody pays? A New York Times article has two tidbits.
Until a recent ruling by the Internal Revenue Service, … a hospital could use the higher prices when calculating the amount of charity care it was providing, said Gerard Anderson, director of the Center for Hospital Finance and Management at Johns Hopkins. “There is a method to the madness, though it is still madness,” Mr. Anderson said.
Aha. Quote $100 for a band-aid, and when the patient doesn’t pay it, write it off as a tax loss. The next one is really clever.
To make money from Bayonne Medical, the new buyers made some big changes in the hospital’s business strategy. 

First, they converted Bayonne Medical from a nonprofit to a for-profit hospital…Next, they moved to sever existing contracts with large private insurers, essentially making Bayonne Medical an out-of-network hospital for most insurance plans.

Under New Jersey law, patients treated in a hospital emergency room outside their provider’s network have to pay out of pocket only what they would have paid if the hospital was in the network. But an out-of-network hospital can bill the patient’s insurer at essentially whatever rate it cares to set….

In recent years, Bayonne Medical put up digital billboards highlighting the short waits in its emergency rooms in an effort to attract more patients….

While the law was aimed at giving patients more hospitals to choose from, it “has had the unintended consequence of rewarding folks for these inflated charges,” said Wardell Sanders, president of the New Jersey Association of Health Plans…

Community leaders in Bayonne…said the buyers were always candid about the methods they intended to use to make the hospital a profitable enterprise.
Really, does nobody every think for a minute, “Hmm, if we pass this law, what awful unintended consequences will it have?”

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